Monday, 24 November 2014


This morning,  I believe strongly that this poem will bless someone tremendously. The poem is titled 'The Sun Will Shine'. Please let's read together

The sun will shine tomorrow
The rain will somehow end
Constantly coming, worried sorrow
Joy is what my father will send

The lost love is now you miss
Look closer the field is now green
This is not only a promise
It’s just the way it has always been

Bad times don’t last forever
The tough times they never stay
The heartaches but profess never
I believe will soon go away

In times of deep sadness
The pain is all too real
And it’s hard to believe gladness
That with time the hurt will heal

The dark clouds that hang above
Will eventually move on
And the storms that stops the dove
I know will soon be gone

Stay strong and keep in mind
That again,
the sun will again... Shine!!!

Do you believe???

The above poem was written by Oluwaseyi Odulaja. The aim of the poem is to make you see the light at the end of the tunnel.  The storms can't last forever, no! It's going to pass someday. I know it is difficult to believe, I sometimes find it difficult to believe myself but deep down my heart, I know  it is true. We live in a world where so much pain abound, but in the words of Seyi Odulaja, I tell you with all confidence that the SUN WILL SHINE. Be joyful, rejoice! You are too blessed to be cursed. You are next in line for a miracle, yes you! I really mean you!
I celebrate you OLUWASEYI ODULAJA! I celebrate your creativity and insights! I hope to read your books soon! Much love


  1. Nice piece of art. Apart from the message which is so Strong and hopefully packaged, the rhyme and the rhyme pattern uis just awesome.


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