Monday, 12 January 2015


What better way is there to celebrate ones life than having an interview with a groundbreaking, impact making blog? Okay, enough has been said already about the blog, let's get straight to the point. I celebrate this man for so many reasons. One, he is a Nigerian in love with Nigeria and positively representing Nigeria outside the shores of Nigeria. Two, he is one of those few persons you see that makes you believe that we are indeed a generation of winners set to make right what those before us did wrong. Three, he has always been expressive about his views and opinions about Nigeria. Join me as I celebrate our very own, IGBALAJOBI OLUMUYIWA AYOKUNLE.

TWG: Good morning sir.
Kunle: Ahaaa, Sir bawo(why sir)? Nooo.

TWG: Hahahahhaha…Okay, good evening!
Kunle: Yes, good morning from South Korea.

TWG: Can we meet you? Who exactly is Kunle?
Kunle: Thank you. My name is Igbalajobi Olumuyiwa Ayokunle. I hail from Ekiti State Nigeria. I am currently, on Korea Government Graduate Scholarship in Daejeon University South Korea, M.Sc in Microbiology and Biotech in view. I am the only male out of three females though one is late and the last man standing in the house.

TWG: Wow, quite impressive! Character-wise, how would you describe yourself?
Kunle: I think I am calm, I value my name and integrity, I will never trade it for any amount, that actually keeps me going. Though, a lot of people actually perceive me as a strict and no-nonsense traditional Ekiti man.

TWG: There is a general belief that people from Ekiti State, Nigeria are very stubborn. How true is that?
Kunle: Well, I wouldn’t subscribe to that but it all depends on the context. There is a clear difference between being stubborn and disciplined/ goal getter. From the likes of Prof Jide Osuntokun, Prof Oluwasanmi, Prof Dipo Kolawole, Late Sam Aluko and a host of other renowned academia and illustrious sons and daughters of Ekiti, I must confess that they could be referred to as stubborn. As enshrined in the Ekiti genetic constituents but apparently they are huge successes and templates to emulate. Perhaps, stubborn on the platform that Ekiti people will never allow to be cheated? Yes, we can be that stubborn.

TWG: I can see that you are vehemently in support of that assertion. Why Microbiology?
Kunle: Microbiology is just a product of circumstance that I love to revolve around. The first dream I ever had was to become an Economist but parental influence crept in so I had no choice than to study sciences. It was really hard to get familiarized with the precursors of sciences, but eventually today, it’s a success story though a side of me belongs to media and communications and most of my friends keep asking ‘why not study mass communications or political science?’. Anyway, I enjoy Microbiology though with a sigh (laughs).

TWG: Seriously, I think I need to ask you…Why don’t you pursue your ‘real’ dream?
Kunle: I lately discovered a distinct constituent of myself that fell in line with being able to multitask. I spend an average of 16 hours on the internet per day thanks to fast internet in South Korea. It enables me to feature in a lot of things. And you must know that microbes rule the world. Microbes maketh man, so no big regrets. However, if I am chanced again, I will possibly be an economist or perhaps a political scientist.

TWG: How does microbiology affect or influence our world?
Kunle: (laughs) Microbiology is a broad course which entails microbes such as bacteria, fungi, viruses amongst others. Microbes are present everywhere and they play important roles in the ecosystem and our health that are both advantageous and otherwise. In a layman’s view, the yogurt you drink, the bread you eat, the ogi (pap) you drink all contains lactobateria and saccharomycetes. From the scientific point of view, we are nothing without microbes because they also play important roles in the digestion and defense of the bodyline when they are in precise state. Few disadvantages; HIV, EBOLA, SARS are also important microbes of concern. So you see, Microbiology is wide with various aspects such as medical, industrial, pharmaceutical even in Agriculture.

TWG: How were you able to get the scholarship?
Kunle: Actually, I got to know about the Korean Government scholarship through a senior colleague of mine back then in the university. It was all trials for me putting in for the Korea and Chinese government scholarships at the same time and to my dismay but to the glory of God I had both on the platform of merit.

TWG: What do you asides microbiology?
Kunle: Well, I use to blog and like I mentioned earlier, I multitask. I sing in church (laughs) and I admin lots of groups on social media part of which are Nigerian Society for Microbiology group, UNAD MCB Alumni Group, Association of Nigerian Students in South Korea on Facebook. I also play soccer, read novels, though it’s been a while. In general, I am multidimensional and that makes me happy.

TWG: Do you have more than 24 hours to spend per day? Because I am beginning to think you have 50 hours (laughs).
Kunle: I really wish I did sometimes. Well, I sleep for 4 - 5 hours daily.

TWG: What is your best food?
Kunle: Pounded yam. I am an Ekiti man to the core. Give me bolus food, I will in turn bless you hahahha.

TWG: What do you miss most about Nigeria?
Kunle: I miss my mum’s taste. But don’t be surprised that I cook Nigerian foods here because most of my Korean friends find me strange. I do not eat Korean food and that justifies my participation as the first black in my school’s international student food competition. I cook so well and I think I inherited that from my mum. Practically, I miss the way we pound yam together.

TWG: I am sure mum would be glad to read this! Would you like to be a lecturer?
Kunle: Sure, I see myself soon in the classroom as a lecturer.

TWG: Tell us about your love life
Kunle: My love life? Anyway, it’s fun with lots of moments good, bad and the ugly. Pressure from ladies but above all, I am standing. I am single but not searching. Hahhaha.

TWG: What’s your take on Ekiti girls? Any perception?
Kunle: From my view there are good ones I met as good friends and also regrettable ones. I believe Ekiti girls are pretty cool with few exceptions which I wouldn’t like to talk about.

TWG: Okay, any comment as regards the forthcoming elections to be held in Nigeria?
Kunle: For me as a person, if I am chanced to vote trust me, I will vote for ideology and realizable blueprints. All I read lately are about accusations and counter accusations. The present government in her bid tried the best however the current state of insecurity, corruption, unemployment and even Naira to dollar rate, really calls for holistic approach. Questions borders on;
Can we trust them for another four years?
Are we really ready for change?
Can we trust the oppositions with our hopes?
The electorate should analyze these focal points especially now that the general elections are some weeks away.

TWG: What would you advise unemployed Nigerian graduates to do considering the limited jobs available?
Kunle: Well, all over the world, employment is a serious menace. However, being creative rules the world. Still, a good governmental policy is essential even to propagate such talents. That is why even as youths we must get it right and say NO to a mortgaged future. Our leaders must be responsible and accountable.

TWG: Any word of advice for TWG Blogspot?
Kunle: Honestly, I take solace in the blog since inception.  Credible news and unbiased posts. A few blogs like TWG exist when it comes to sincerity and real representation. Focus is the most important thing and I presume TWG wouldn’t relent in that.

TWG: From the cradle of THE WINNING GENERATION BLOGSPOT, we say a big thank you! We sincerely appreciate your time and we wish you a HAPPY, PROSPEROUS BIRTHDAY!!! As you begin a new year, we pray God to give you more wisdom and all that you need to make a difference!
Kunle: Thank you so much! Keep shining.


  1. TWG! You just interviewed the world leader. Good works.

  2. U did justice to all the questions. Nice nd short

  3. Excellent, God bless your new age.

  4. @ Yankee...I agree...@ Benjamin, thanks...@ Olumide. ..Amen...I celebrate you all...


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