Monday, 1 February 2016


I am coming straight at this topic, I am laying bare my opinions and just before you conclude in your mind, read to the end and tell me what you think.

Christianity is a religion with large followers but have you noticed that a large number of the followers don't believe in excellence? Just before you answer, I have four instances;
One, why do many Christians believe that late Michael Jackson's moon walk is from the devil? I have heard so many Christians from Nigeria saying that they had 'revelations' and in their revelations, they saw demons moonwalking on hell's corridor.

Two, when  people listen to Celine Dion's songs, you hear comment like 'she is illuminati' because she has a great voice. Since her voice is too beautiful, 'she must have gotten it from the devil in exchange for her soul' they say.
Three, when some healing pastors in Nigeria started healing people on a large scale, tongues began to wag against them. The annoying part of it was that these people wagging their tongues against them are Christians who were supposed to be spiritually discerning but because their flesh wouldn't let them rest they decided to let their tongues wag, pointing accusing fingers at them and tagging these pastors as fake pastors.
Four, I overhead a couple of Christians accusing one denomination for arguably having the largest followers in Nigeria. And I begin to wonder if it is the clubs  that ought to have a larger followership or the church. 

Why should pure creativity like moonwalk be tagged as demonic? Creativity is not normal, Michael Jackson's moonwalk is pure creativity and creativity is doing the most unusual thing. I understand that we don't know where he got his inspiration from, but to conclude that his creativity is from the Devil because it is out of the ordinary, is an insult on God who is The Most High and the most creative. Look all around you, everything you see is a product of creativity from our Creator so why do some Christians think we supposed to function less than creativity in other to prove that we are Christians?

God has given each and everyone of us a measure of talent, our ability to utilise these gifts will either make us stand out of get lost in the crowd. The simple reason why secular songs sell faster than gospel songs is not actually because of the lyrics difference or financial difference but because secular musicians put in their best, utilise creativity extensively, while gospel musicians just keep it extra simple and expect the grace of God to bring out beauty from it. God gave us a brain so that we can think, utilise creativity as though you are not praying, and ask for God's support as though you are not working, this simple formula is what births excellence.

I know there are fake pastors and prophets but does that mean that there are no 'original' pastors? Should the presence of fake anointing, stop the anointing from God from flowing? Haven't you read in the scriptures that just the shadow of an apostle healed the sick people laid by the road side? Haven't you read that just the handkerchief Apostle Paul healed people? So why do we think that power is dead?

If Jesus in one day pulled 5,000 people, why do we raise our eyebrow when a church has a followership of 3,000 people? Why do we think the Pastor must have buried a cow in the church altar to get such growth? Jesus as an individual, fed five thousand people, why do Christians feel that a man must be a ritualist to bless 1,000 people?Why do most  Christians feel that they must live a life of mediocrity? Why do most Christians feel anything excellent is a sin?

The reality is this, God gave every one of us gifts, whether we want to use it to glorify God or not, is entirely up to us but it doesn't limit the fact that that skill, gift, talent was given to you by God.
How would you know God has given you wisdom if you don't exercise it?
How do you know you can write if you don't write your thoughts and leave it to be criticised?
We Christians like to play safe and stay in our comfort zone but we can't demonstrate the power of God by staying in our comfort zone.

Dear Christians, the scripture clearly says that "greater works than these shall ye do". That statement alone should nudge you into excellence. Dare to make your God famous by going the extra mile in the place of diligence and the place of prayer. When other people are making a difference, when they are putting up that extra effort, don't criticise them, instead believe that God has given you His mighty power and go in that might!
Enough of mediocrity! Enough of mediocrity! Enough of mediocrity!!! Mediocrity is a weapon of the enemy to limit us, dare to make a difference,  dare to shine the light! Have a great month family!
Welcome to February.
 "Genesis 1 logs God's commitment to excellence when it says, "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good" (v. 31). Christians should always do good work. Christians ought to be the best workers wherever they are. They ought to have the best attitude, the best integrity, and be the best in dependability." 
- R. Kent Hughes
"The test of the artist does not lie in the will with which he goes to work, but in the excellence of the work he produces." 
- Thomas Aquinas

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