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Wednesday, 20 May 2015
This is a playlet, I hope you enjoy it, please tell me what you think! Welcome to the theatrical side of me! Much love
(Mr. and Mrs. Ade storm in shouting at each other)
Mr Ade: I have told you times without number, it is unethical, anti- traditional and practically unheard of that a woman married to a man like myself is involved with politics, business or what did you call it…Entrepreneurship, arrrgh, entrepreneurship my foot! I hate that word!
Mrs. Ade: Darling we have been married for ten years, I have always bathed our children, cooked for them, trained and prayed for them, I have always washed your clothes, cooked your meals and made you feel at home when you get back from work…Please give me a chance to show the world that I am good in every area of my life not just the home front…
Mr. Ade: Which world? Am I not your world? I say no, I have seen your worth in the home front!
Mrs. Ade: Please, I want to sell palm oil, I see myself selling it and I see a future in it considering the fact that the agricultural sector is being revamped in Nigeria.
Mr. Ade: Just listen to yourself, you want to sell palm oil, that work belittles your high status as the wife of a Minister! Have you ever seen an educated person selling palm oil before? I can see that you have practically lost it. In fact, Biola! Let this be the last time that we would engage in a discussion such as this…understood?
Mrs. Ade: Yes sir!
Mr. Ade: Good.
Mrs. Ade: (muttering to herself) I thought I married a husband, I never knew I married a big time tyrant!
Mr. Ade: What did you just say?
Mrs. Ade: (sarcastically) Oga nothing ooo...I was just singing.
Mr. Ade: (eyeing her, hissing) I am going out bye (he leaves).
Mrs. Ade: You can’t leave only me in this house, we are going together (she also leaves).
(Mr Ade comes back from work exhausted, he hugs his wife)
Mr Ade: I am so tired, serve my food.
Mrs Ade: Hmm, I didn’t cook anything oo
Mr Ade: What!!! My oesophagus has been rendered inactive all day simply because I assumed that my homely, conservative wife would be wise enough, having gained knowledge through years and years of learning and studying, to know that it is her obligation, and duty to cook a decent meal for the full grown man she calls her husband. So tell me, what happened?
Mrs Ade: I unknowingly exhausted the salt in the house and I didn’t have money of my own to buy another one since you forgot to drop money this morning.
Mr Ade: Woman, I see that you desire to see me go outside into the loving arms of women who would later rule your home.
Mrs Ade: It is not like that, I am so sorry, I would prepare something now
Mr Ade: It is too late, I would eat in an eatery (He storms out of the house)
Mrs Ade: Darling, don’t go (she runs after him)
(Mr Ade is seen reading a novel, there is a knock on the door, ‘open’ his says and his friend Bayo enters)
Bayo: Congratulations man!
Mr Ade:(Looking confused) Why are you congratulating me?
Bayo: Come on, stop trying to act confused, it is good news anyway, I would love to have a wife like yours…(Aderogba cuts him)
Mr Ade:I don’t understand, what about my wife? (vsibly panicked)
Bayo: Haven’t you heard? Or better still, aren’t you aware?
Mr Ade: Out with it!
Bayo: Your wife was awarded this morning,
Mr Ade: Awarded? For what? By whom?
Bayo: The Federal Government appreciated her efforts for establishing a palm oil factory saying that it would reduce the rate of unemployment in the country. She was also promised constant government interventions and grants. She is really the rave of the moment! (Mr Ade is dumfounded, he stars a nothing, saying nothing)Are you alright? (silence) Why are you not saying anything?(silence) I just came to rejoice with you. I think I need to be on my way(silence) Sorry for the information(he runs off)
Mr Ade: (soliloquizing) Hmmm…but come to think of it…My wife is first and foremost a person, then a woman. She has potentials too that should be enhanced and harnessed. She been an entrepreneur does not stop me from been the man in the house and funding my home…or does it?..No it doesn’t, hmmmm, maybe I should just support her but she has too cook dinner for me first o
Mrs Ade: Sweetheart, dinner is ready!(she comes in with a tray of food)
Mr Ade(smiling sheepishly)I said it, my wife is just the best! (he goes to sit on the dining chair, she serves him) You said you want to be an entrepreneur, what is the possibility that you would not neglect your services to me and the general household?
Mrs Ade: I can’t neglect my family! My family is my topmost priority, a wise woman builds her home. I can’t trade that for anything. It is just that I had dreams and aspirations before I got married but the moment I got married, everything went down the drain .I feel there is life beyond the home front ...But I can’t succeed without you by my side(she looks at him)..I..(he cuts her)
Mr Ade: I am so sorry for been negligent of your needs. I was so selfish and I felt that exposing you to fame and success would make you arrogant and insubmissive..But I can see that it allowing you follow your dreams has only made you stronger and more loving. You have indeed shown me that a truly successful woman is she who keeps her home and business.I would always love you.
Mrs Ade:I LOVE YOU TOO and I am sorry for starting the palm oil business behind your back...
Mr Ade: No problem dear, I am glad you started and I will support you all through the way, I hope to watch you on international television stations someday. (They both laugh)
(Black out)
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ReplyDeleteEsther, this is great.
you are really doing wonderfully well...
i envy u and i say more grace.