Wednesday, 3 June 2015


If you are poor, then someone else is heavily in debt.
If you don't have a car, then someone else doesn't have legs.
If you are sick, then someone else has been bedridden for years.
If you have lost a parent then someone else has lost both parents in a single accident.

Today, before you say an unkind word, think of someone who can't speak, think of someone who has to use a sign language to tell his family he loves them.
Before you complain about the taste of your food, think of someone who has nothing to eat.
When you are frustrated because you cannot decide what food you should cook, remember that there is a mother in Syria, who cannot decide which of her children she should give the little food she has, while the other is left to die.
For the married, before you complain about your husband or wife, think of someone who is crying out to God for a companion.
Before you complain about your children, think of someone who desires children but they are barren.
Today, before you complain about life, think about someone who died too soon on this earth.
Before you complain about how small and inconvenient your room is, think of the people who are living on the streets.
Before whining about the distance you walk from the bus stop to your house, think of someone whose legs are hung up in a General Hospital.
When you are tired and complain about the courses you offer, think of someone crying out to God for admission into higher institution.
Before you think of condemning another person, remember that not one of us is without sin.
Someone, somewhere really prays to be in your position.
Your present condition is another person's prayer point.
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down, put a smile on your face and think...I AM ALIVE AND STILL AROUND, WITH GOD, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!


  1. Touching. Really touching. But we are humans na. We got to struggle, living has one of its part as strive for the best. In as much what is said here is all true I still maintain that it does not mean we should just relax at our present condition because someone is praying to be in it. Believed me...that mother in Syria that can't decide on which child to feed...still complains about some other things. Life is a big mystery and humans are so complicated making living more complicated.

  2. I am in no way condoning complacency. Work hard to create a better life but don't do it at the expense of the joy and blessings of today. Be positive, be proactive, don't whine and complain about your present circumstances. ..cheers!

  3. Would have been better if you had said..."don't complain or whine TOO MUCH". And not don't complain at all. Why do you think we pray? Because things ain't working the way we want it. So we pray(complain) to God to help us out....but when you don't accept the will of God in what you are asking Him that's where whinnying comes in. But as for complain....we do...every human does it. But too much of it, just as too much of everything, is bad


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