Friday, 21 August 2015


I have come to realise that people only celebrate a successful person, and they do all in their power to bring down those that are just starting, but we owe ourselves the responsibilty of believing in ourselves when no one believes in us. While we are on the journey, we should learn to appreciate ourselves and strive to be better than our past. I wrote this poem when I couldn't find my muse because someone looked me in the face and literally threw a dagger at my heart with his negative words and disbelief in my creativity. But I have made a pact with destiny that every new day's writing
would be better than the previous day. I have therefore changed my perception, no more will I strive to make people approve my work because I know I am still a work in progress and my end will be better than my beginning.
I challenge you today, don't get depressed because of critics who are judging your future based on your present, instead, focus on your self, there is a wealth of treasure on your inside, remain hardworking, don't give up, don't be discouraged, keep pressing on, a true man is made in perseverance and consistency. I believe in you, I believe in your greatness. You will get there.

If you don't want to be a nonentity,
You have got to have charity,
In other to be a celebrity,
In your society.

Your level of honesty,
Shows your personality,
And your capabilities,
Is shown in your activities.

Obey the Almighty,
Have no anxiety,
No matter the calamity,
God has the capacity.

Life is vanity,
Flee from atrocity,
Bless your community,
And focus on eternity


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