Friday, 4 September 2015


He had a relationship,
With his Creator,
And an assurance,
Of a bright future.

What he didn't know,
Was the beginning,
And the middle,
Before the end.

Soon, his problems started,
And escalated in a crescendo,
His brothers hated him,
His boss imprisoned him.

But his values,
He would not lose,
The trials he would endure,
That in the end,
He will enjoy.

His dreams kept him alive,
His hopes made him alert,
His God gave him strength,
His focus kept him aright.

In the end, he won,
He triumphed against all odds,
Cos he set standards without defiling,
Cos he had values uncompromising,
Cos he had God immovable.
What are your values?
What stand ye for?
#setstandards #twghub

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