Thursday 19 November 2015


                                                                                                 Future Me,
                                                                                                 20 years time,
Present Me,
At the moment,
Dear Present Me,
             At this point, I am twenty years older than you. I have achieved more, failed more, succeeded more and learnt so many things along the way. I wouldn't forget to mention that I have been insulted, frustrated, dejected and betrayed but that is okay, because it has made me better, not bitter. In life, people will not always be who you want them to be neither will they act the way you want them to act. You have to learn to accept and accommodate people just the way they are because you are also not perfect. I have dropped those bad habits you still engage in. I am now more consistent, more
determined and I don't give up the way I used to. You need to learn to persevere ,the earlier you learn, the better.
                  I now know myself deeper and better and I have learnt that the purpose of life is to be like your Creator. For me to be like my Creator, I had to know him and it was in the process of knowing Him that I got to understand myself. I am still knowing Him so that means that I am still getting to know myself. The same applies to you, you are like an onion, you have to peel of so many layers to see the real you, only an effective interaction with your Creator will help you do that. 

                  I have also learnt to love and be loved. See, love is a deliberate attempt, so work the talk, love is revealed in actions, don't just say you love someone, back it up with your actions. Don't act flippantly,  think  before you act and be deliberate about it. 
                  I am more beautiful than you are, well you are physically more beautiful than I am though because I am a lot older now but I said I am more beautiful than you are because I have a beautiful soul.  Feed your soul with the right information.  Beauty is not how you look, it is who you are. The real question is who are you when no one is watching you? I have experienced the most physically beautiful persons with rotten souls. You can't hide how rotten your soul is because it is like a smoke, it shows everywhere. Work on your inner man, that is where true beauty lies.
                   I have so many things to say, but I can't say all, because time and chance wouldn't permit me, but I hope to send you more letters in subsequent times. I will always love you.
                                                                                        Yours Truly,
                                                                                        Future Me



  1. Are you serious? Dear Future me, please can we have a date for a second? You need to come back where you started and fix the things you have learnt in the present me. I want to start being you now, not 20 or 30 years later. Thank you.
    Sincerely yours,
    Present me.

  2. Hahahhahahahahahahaha.....A date with your future you will indeed be cool!

  3. Yes ooooo. Wish some stuffs we see on Hollywood really happen. This would have been a whole other easier.

  4. Yes ooooo. Wish some stuffs we see on Hollywood really happen. This would have been a whole other easier.


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