Wednesday 11 November 2015

Life IS a competition

Life is not a competition I often hear, but how true is that statement? If life is not a competition, then why do you try so hard to make it in life? Have you ever asked yourself why you want to be the things you want to be? Have you ever considered why you do the things you do? Is it really just because you are running a personal race or it is also because you don't want to be left behind so you are doing everything you can to be ahead of your peers or at least, be equal to them?

They say don't marry because your mates are getting married,marry because you want to marry but really, how many people follow that advise? You want to be in a relationship so badly that you want it now, simply because you don't want to be left out. When people are talking about their partner, you also want to be able to say something about yours and you don't want them to start asking you numerous questions as to why you are still single.

Why do you want to get a job? Is it only because you want to be productive and have money to spend or it is also because you don't want your friends and the society at large to see you as a nonentity?  Why do you want to travel out of the country? Is it only because you want to be more exposed or it is also because you want to better than your peers? Why do you even go to school? Is it only because you want to be educated or it is also because you don't want to be behind your peers? Where your peers are talking, you also want to raise your head up high and contribute. Why do you want to be fit and beautiful? Why do you take risk that can take you to the higher level? Is it just because you like to take risk or it is also because you don't want to be behind the crowd physically, mentally,  financially, spiritually e.t.c

Have you noticed the deep, sharp, silent pain of jealousy that you feel when your peer or worse still, someone younger than you achieves with ease, what you are still dreaming of achieving?  Okay, you say you are not jealous, you are just happy for the person, but let me remind you. You remember the day you met your secondary school classmate and he told you he was in 300 Level in the University?  How did you feel, knowing that you were still battling with JAMB, not because you are dull but because 'your race seemed different'? Can you remember hugging your friend in excitement, thanking God for his life, but on getting home, crying as if tomorrow doesn't exist? Remember crying out to God to take you out of the 'miry clay' and to set 'your foot upon the rock'? Remember crying out to God to take you higher? That feeling is what I call 'I-don't-wanna-stay-behind-syndrome'.

Whether you accept it or not, you don't want to be left behind in life. You don't want to hiding when your mates are celebrating.  Life is beautiful when you are successful and happy.  Life is a personal race, but like every other race, there are other competitors running in other lanes, and everybody want to be a winner. This is my own opinion, you can answer the question in your own way, is life a competition or not?

#twghub Bamiloshin Esther

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