Friday, 5 February 2016


A question has been rolling over in my mind for hours now and I have not been able to do justice to it.
"Imagine for a moment that you have all the monies in the world, you lack nothing, you have all the resources to do anything you want to do, but you must be productive because you must make God famous. What will you do"?

As I constantly asked myself this question, I realised that I didn't have an answer, then it dawned on me that what keeps people in abject poverty is not lack of money but lack of ideas and lack of direction. Directions don't just come, ideas don't just drop, consciously engaging your mind is what makes them happen. You engage your mind by being (a);
Voracious reader
An apt listener
Ready to understand other people's opinions.
Thinking, not worrying
A great man once said, "thinking is the highest form of spirituality". Do you know that most of us know how to worry but we don't know how to think?

Thinking is your ability to roll over an issue in your mind till something productive comes out of it.
Since I haven't found an answer to the question, let's think together by probing further.
What is the biggest impact that you will have in this world if you had all the monies in the world?
What is that thing we can individually do to be productive with or without money?
Why is money the driving force for the many things we aspire to achieve in life?
If there was no money involved in what you are doing presently, will you still be doing it?
Why has fulfillment of purpose become a thing of the past while pursuing money is the way forward?
Are we really stuck at the moment because we don't have money or because we don't have ideas?
Are we really stuck at the moment because we don't have money or because we lack direction?
The essence of this discussion is to remind us of the fact that we have all that it takes to inspire the world in the greatest way possible and money is not a barrier except we make it a barrier.
Our greatest barrier is the limitation of the mind. We really need to open up our minds in other to probe as deep as we ought to.

Let me tell you a truth, the real reason why I couldn't think of any answer was because having "all the money/resources in the world" seemed to big for my mind to accept.
Dream big dreams I hear, but just before you dream the dreams, improve the capacity of your mind to dream the impossible.

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