Monday, 21 March 2016


Everybody wants to get married, well, almost everybody wants to get married but the reality is that there are ten kinds of people that must not get married and you must not marry them no matter what. Below is a list of the ten kinds of people you must run away from:
1. THE PERFECTIONIST: It’s good to love excellence, but there is a clear difference between loving excellence and being a perfectionist. According to Encarta Dictionary, a perfectionist is ‘a demanding person; somebody who demands or seeks to achieve nothing less than perfection’. Being perfect every time wears people out, the moment perfectionists realize that you didn’t get it right, you are doomed.

2.THE LAZY BONES: Imagine living with a lazy person? He gets up in the morning, does nothing and goes back to bed feeling fulfilled for doing nothing. Lazy bones are too lazy to pray, to bathe and to even earn a living. Living with these kinds of persons is living in hell. Run away from them.

3.THE ANGRY BIRDS: Have you ever met someone that destroys things when they get angry? Living with them means signing a legal contract to be murdered by them because anger blinds and it kills. I read in a good book that anger lies in the bosom of fools. Please don’t be foolish, some things don’t just worth losing your sleep over, control your anger and you will have a good home. 
4.THE UNFORGIVING: Some people don’t destroy things, instead they choose to keep malice, they choose to remain unforgiving. An unforgiving heart can never stay married because your spouse will hurt you deeply in ways you can’t even imaging, it doesn’t mean that your spouse is a bad person, it just shows how imperfect your spouse can be. The best way to love is to love someone with all their flaws, and just like John Legend said in his song “all of me”, you have to love all her/his “perfect imperfections”.
5.THE PRIVACY LOVER: If you are living in an African society where communal living is the order of the day, it will be difficult for you to maintain privacy. But apart from from communal living, marriage involves you sharing everything you have; your time, emotions, money, body and dreams. You have to get ready to leave the pronoun “I” for “WE” and “ME” for “US”. Anybody that is not ready to do that is honestly not ready to get married and must not be married to. 
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6.THE N.F.A: N.F.A simply means No Future Ambition. Very often, you meet people who want to get married for the sake of marrying but they don’t even have the smallest idea of what to do with their lives. And this is especially true for girls, because society makes them think that they will end up in the kitchen of their husband’s house, they end up being nonchalant about their lives, and they are busy waiting for the man to approach them. Dear guys, any girl that doesn’t understand her purpose for living can’t build your home.
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7.THE DEPENDENTS: Some people just like to depend on others for everything.  Marriage requires co-independence but that doesn’t mean that you should depend on others for your emotional, physical, academic, social, spiritual needs. Ask yourself, what am I bringing to the table? Until you know what you are bringing to the table, you have no business getting married.
8.THE TYRANTS: A tyrant is an absolute ruler who exercises power cruelly and unjustly. You don’t need a tyrant in your life, you certainly need someone that is firm and disciplined but a tyrant is a no go area except you want to be a slave for life. Respect is earned not given, you don't need to be a tyrant to command respect.
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9.THE INDEPENDENT: Have you noticed that some people are so independent that they don’t even see the existence of other people. They are so inconsiderate and they make you pay for feeling bad about their actions. Some mothers take decisions without considering their children’s well being. Some husbands take decisions without considering their wives. Remember you are no more alone, you are now a family so whatever decision that must be made must carry all parties along and except you are willing to inculcate this, you are not ready to get married.
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10.THE POSSESSIVE: "I hate possessive people!" How often have you heard someone say that? Possessiveness kills, it is good to be protective, but there is a thin line between being protective and being possessive. Possessive people tend to have trust issues and they are always jealous. Please stop being possessive and stay away from an overly jealous person.
The key thing is work, work on yourself. It is not about getting married, it has actually never being about getting married, rather, it is about STAYING MARRIED! Don't just get married because people are getting married, get married because you have something meaningful to put on the table and that includes godly values.  
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