Friday, 15 April 2016


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I attended a service recently and the person on the pulpit was talking about drug abuse and how it is damaging lives and sending people to hell. The sad thing about the things he said was that most of the people engaged in drugs and alcohol are children, teenagers and young adults who were lured into it by virtue of wrong association which includes, but are not limited to uncles, aunts, gate man, ice cream vendors, classmates etc.

These young ones grow in the abuse and they also begin to lure other young ones into it. The cycle is continuous!  The worst part is that people  think that it is 'them' that are involved,  we feel that our children cannot be harmed, but we fail to realise that it is just in a little while before what used to be for 'them' begins to affect our children.

The question now is, how do we break this cycle and protect our children and the society from drug abuse?  The answers are simply the following;

  • Be aware that drug abuse exists. 
  • Love your children unconditionally, don't compare and don't neglect a child because he is not meeting standards.
  • They need you to be present. It is good to make money but don't make money at the expense of your children.Spend quality TIME with your children. Get to know them, listen to them,build a RELATIONSHIP  with them. That is the only way you can know what is happening in their lives.
  • Let them see that you and your spouse love each other. A crack in the wall can lead to an invasion from hell, let love rule always.
  • Know your children's friends.
  • Discipline them in LOVE.
  • Be a positive role model to them. There is no point drinking alcohol and telling your children not to drink. Be the Bible you preach, don't just say it, act it, make it evident in your own life.
  • Pray together as a family. A family that prays together, stays together.
  • Allow children to choose their own path, stop forcing them to do your will. Let them feel like their decisions matter too.
  • Ask for their opinions in matters, you can ask them to choose a time when the family talks about social issues, make them realise how much you value their uniqueness and wisdom.
  • Be vigilant especially when you see that your child is beginning to use dark glasses inside the house or he is beginning to change friends like clothes or he is beginning to act erratically.
  • Seek knowledge.

Questions you can ponder on includes;
  1. What life examples am I presenting to my children?
  2. How much of scrutiny do I extend to my domestic staff or home visitors?
  3. Who monitors the petty traders and chemists around our houses, schools and churches.
  4. What amount of time do I spend with my children?

Are you into drugs and you don't know the way out? Are you a parent confused about the steps to take to redeem a 'fallen' child? If your answer is 'yes', click on for more information

 I am BAMILOSHIN ESTHER and I desire to see your child succeed. SAY NO TO DRUGS! #twghub

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