Tuesday, 19 April 2016


Today, I sat alone in the corner of my bed lost in thoughts about the mess my life has chosen to be in. Nothing seems to go right, even Mr Left has to be dragged to become Mr Right in other for him to recognize his place as the man and lover of a beautiful damsel. Never have I felt this confused before! Just in January last year, I had nine guys ask me to marry them, one even said that the moment I entered the house, he just knew by some ‘divine analysis’ that I was his…Hmmm, guys and the
things they say! I said no to all of them but this year, I am really at a crossroad.

I am sure you know that feeling, when the guy you love doesn’t love you and the guy you don’t even care about is all over you? Well, mine is a lot worse because the guy I don’t like at all is really on my neck while the guy I love, loves me but doesn’t want to have a relationship with me…Aaarrgh, pseudo-relationship, I just hate that state! Why did I fall for a commitment phobic? Can’t you just find someone you love who loves you the same way or more?

I can hear some ladies say, wait, the right one will come, truly speaking the right one will come, but why do we have to go through so many heartbreaks before the right one comes? Some people will even lead you on then after many years, they will tell you ‘actually I am engaged to be married to someone else tomorrow’ or they will tell you, ‘we have just been good friends, I never saw you in the light of who I can marry’.

I think people really need to wise up, stay off pseudo relationships, anybody that loves you should love you enough to declare intentions and be committed enough to spend the rest of his life with you! You deserve to be loved! NEVER BE AFRAID OF LOSING SOMEONE WHO DOESN’T FEEL LUCKY TO HAVE YOU! Gbam
P.S: This article was originally written for .

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