Wednesday, 17 December 2014


Photography is life! Yes, I said it... I love to watch pictures but I have someone who loves to snap pictures. It gives him undiluted satisfaction and with it, he holds time in his hands. Do you know that, that is what happens when you snap a picture? Normally time is fleeting but when you snap a picture, you capture time, you practically hold time hostage because years down the line the pictures remind you of the event.
That brings me to my interviewee for the day. Busayo is his name. He is yet to snap me though but with his passion for photography he has captured my attention! The interview went thus;
What was your childhood like?
Well, it was fun,exciting but there was nothing too wow about it. Just like other average kids.
How many siblings do you have? 
Who are you closer to, dad or mum?
What do you like doing most?
Well, when I am not handling my camera, I rather be alone sleeping or thinking (strategizing) about my passion.
What exactly is your passion?
Camera/ photography.
What informed your passion into photography? 
Well, I can't really pin it down to anything.Let's just say the fun of exploring and having to press the shutter.
What is your brand name?
I heard you are into fashion is that true?
(Smiles) Yes, you must have heard right. Fashion is just one of those other things I like to do and would like to invest into maybe later in life.
Okay, that means you are not into it professionally?
Hmmmm, it depends on your definition of professionally.
Hahahhahaha, what is your philosophy about life?
Treat people right and you would get in return right treatment from others.
Tell us about your love life.
Hmmm. Love life, I guess we can set that aside for a later time or something.
How do you think the Nigerian Government can help young entrepreneurs?
For me, I have not for once depended on what the government can do for me, rather I think about what I can do for myself. Having said that, I believe Nigerian youths are not lazy people and they are always willing to get something done for themselves . But if the government can make loans and grants available and more easily accessible for people it will go a long way.
Give a word of encouragement to young entrepreneurs like yourself. 
Well my word for them is that they should remain passionate about their dreams.
And follow it to the end irrespective of circumstances right?
Yes because that is the spirit of success.
What are your plans for the next five years?
Basically to intensify growing my customer base.
Any word for The Winning Generation Blogspot?
Consistency is key, just be consistent.
Thank you so much for your time!
My pleasure! You are welcome.

We have come to the end of today's interview on our segment YPMAD which means Young People Making A Difference. Just like he said, don't wait for what the Government will do for you, your life is right in your hands, dare to make a difference and remember, CONSISTENCY IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS!

1 comment:

  1. Please, I made an error with the name, it's corrected though..But I just want to apologise publicly. Thanks


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