Sunday, 14 December 2014


My day was made very exciting when I heard the voice of my longtime friend and course mate over the phone. With a voice that shames the microphone, it is an understatement to say that he is a veritable actor, his voice on stage practically holds everyone spellbound. Watching his performance makes you fall in love with his acting skills. I know Thespis himself will be proud of this great thespian. Here is an excerpt of the interview with him;

Can I meet you please?
I am by name Ebichi Promise Chinonyerem, a practitioner of the arts, I hail from Abia State and I am a graduate of Theatre Arts, University of Abuja.

What are your hobbies?
The list is quite long but just to mention a few; I love reading, listening to music, thinking, engaging in various sports like football, swimming, table tennis and basketball.

What are you passionate about?
Well, I am passionate about the Arts. I want to set a high standard for theatre arts practitioners in Nigeria. I want to build it to a height that both the local and international communities would come and willingly invest in it.

What is your area of specialization?
I specialize in acting.

Why is there low patronage for theatrical performances in Nigeria?
Theatre as you know has been relegated to the background over the years and this has affected the patronage in present time. This can be made evident with the lack of spaces for theatrical performances in the country. We do not have adequate and well equipped production house that would accommodate the manufacturing process of this given product that one wants to sell. Also, patronage is psychological. Practitioners need to start affecting the psychic of the masses thereby causing a positive change in their thoughts which brings them down to the theatre.

Have many stage performances have you done?
Wow! Seriously, I have lost count.
What will you say are your two most memorable performances?
That should be 54 Silhouettes written and directed by Africa Ukoh and also Dance of Death by August Strindberg performed here in Abuja. Both performances are so dear to me.

What do you do apart from acting?
Outside acting, I run a business of my own.

Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
Five years from now, I see myself doing my acts on both local and international stages and also running my own theatrical outfit.

Wow, that sounds really big! Thank you so much for your time, TWG Blogspot celebrates you!
It is my pleasure, thanks.
Acting as Commander


  1. Cool job you doing here Estee!! Keep it up girl....

  2. Nice move bro. Keep it up.
    Bams....keep getting them one by one. #wonderfulcoursemates

  3. Thank you Edwina and Michael! Yeah..I am really hunting talents now..These people need to be celebrated!


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